Scared of Winding back the clock? Here's some tips to FALL BACK on. ⏰🌞
For parents of young children, daylight savings time can be a bit of a headache. Just when you thought you had a good routine going, the clocks "spring forward" or "fall back," throwing everything off balance. But did you know that maintaining a consistent routine is especially important during these time changes?
Our bodies rely on circadian rhythms, or internal clocks, to regulate our sleep-wake cycles. When we change the time, our internal clocks get thrown off, which can cause us to feel sleepy or alert at the wrong times. For babies and young children, who are still developing these rhythms, the effects of the time change can be even more pronounced. But with a little preparation and consistency, you can help your little one adjust to the new schedule.
Here at babystudio, we know exactly what it's like for new parents who are dreading any change in their little one's sleep routine. We would like to introduce you to a number of different products to help you and your little one get settled in!
Click here to explore our sleep collection, specially crafted to help make that daylight savings fallback transition easy! Or better yet, keep reading to hear our favourite fallback tips and tricks to help you survive the time change on Sunday!
Start Early
Don't wait until the night before the time change to start adjusting your little one's schedule. Instead, gradually move their bedtime and wake-up time earlier or later in the week leading up to the change. For example, if you're "springing forward" and losing an hour of sleep, start putting your child to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for four nights before the time change. This can help ease the transition and minimize disruption to their routine.
Stick to Your Routine
Babies and young children thrive on routine. So even if you're adjusting their schedule, try to maintain as much consistency as possible in other aspects of their routine. For example, keep meal and nap times the same, and stick to your normal bedtime routine (such as a bath, story, and lullaby). This can help your little one feel more secure and comfortable during the transition.
Create a Calm Sleeping Environment
As the days get shorter, it's important to create a calm sleeping environment for your little one. Consider using blackout curtains to keep the room dark during daylight hours, and use a white noise machine (have you seen our baby shusher?) to help drown out any outside noise that might disrupt your baby's sleep. Making sure your little one is in a comfortable environment, and dressed in enough layers is super important to ensuring everyone is getting enough sleep.
Take Care of Yourself
Finally, don't forget to take care of yourself during the time change! The effects of the time change can be tough on parents too, so be sure to get plenty of rest, eat well, and take time to relax and recharge. Sneak in a coffee or two and soak up that extra hour of rest while you can! By starting early, sticking to your routine, creating a calm sleeping environment, being patient, and taking care of yourself, you can help your little one adjust to the time change and minimize disruption to their routine. And with a little preparation and consistency, you'll be back on track in no time!
Make sure you comment below your favourite tip to help ease into a new sleep routine!
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